Tuesday, March 16, 2010

LOST: Week 7

No prologue today. We're running through the episode. It's late, I didn't get to watch it live again, and I want to get this done before I get tempted to read other recaps. Again, for those wondering, I particularly enjoy reading sepinwall.blogspot.com (I read most of his stuff in general for things I watch) and Doc Jensen on ew.com, who is a much more lengthy writer (I think a lot more of you know about him). Anyway, onward to the episode. Spoilers ahead!

I really enjoyed seeing Sawyer with the double (or triple? or single?) fake-out con revealing himself to be a cop. A nice remix of an old retread. Stuff like that, when well done (like in this case), make for entertaining flash-sideways. Although... I am starting to lose my interest in the sideways flashes, just 'cause I would like to know more about their purpose. But that probably won't be for a little while longer... Anyway though, it was great to see Miles be Jim's partner in the LAX timeline with a nod to their Dharma times. Ah LeFleur.

It's interesting to find out that Sawyer's a cop and to consider how he let Kate go at LAX. Considering she was a convicted criminal in handcuffs on an airplane with a freakin' U.S. Marshal, you would think he would have to consider stepping in there. Shows that he's not all good as a cop. That is, unless you crash into his car.

After seeing a mini-reunion on the beach last week but not seeing the following conversations quite yet, it was kinda nice to see Sawyer, Jin, Kate, messed-up Sayid, fake Locke, and kookoo Claire all back together. Well, I guess it's not exactly the same as in Season 1, but still. It was a little disappointing to only see a glimpse of Jin at the beginning (you KNOW he would have had Kate's back during Claire's blitz attack) and to not get more exact info on why Sawyer/Jin didn't make it to the Temple.

It was cool to see Charlotte back in the house. I'll grant the LAX timeline major props for giving us the treat of seeing LOST dead alums again, in better circumstances. Also, I must say that Charlotte looks far better as her LAX self with makeup and all than the last time we saw her. You know, bloody and crazed out and uh, not as flattering. Charlotte shows us another pre-1977 Island inhabitant too. I guess she got off the Island before the bomb anyway, so that doesn't really add much, right? Someone correct me if I'm mistaken... I sure hope to see Faraday at some point this season.

Concerning Sawyer and his different path in the LAX timeline. I think it's important to consider how Jacob gave little James Ford the means to finish his letter as a child in the standard timeline, but in LAX, Jacob is more absent, if not gone completely. So, James likely didn't finish his letter and commit to full vengeance and becoming Sawyer, although yeah, he still wants to kill Locke Sr. Does that make Jacob bad? Not necessarily. It doesn't make him look great, but I guess dude has his reasons. We'll see. (yeah that was a copout couple of sentences, whatever!)

Miles is a baller. I'm just sayin'. Gotta love him. As for Sayid... man it's really sad to think of his current state. :(

I had totally forgotten about the other Ajirans. Remember Caesar? Lolz what a fail. What killed that pile of people? I do believe that Widmore and co. didn't kill them. Was it the Smoke Monster when he had time to go after them? Did he really have any time to do so? Tangent, at what point during this time did he get to Ben on the beach? I thought today's episode was about the same time as last week's, but Widmore was still heading towards the Island at the end of last week, and he's already set up at Hydra Station this week. Unless today's episode was a day later. Hmm, I'm gonna have to check out the timeline on lostpedia or something.

It's strange to think of Kate talking to fake Locke when you consider how much Kate already wasn't crazy about original Locke. She didn't even want to go to the funeral! Sad. I miss you old Locke. REDEMPTION IS COMING. I BELIEVE.

I was gonna be really annoyed if that lady turned out to really be from Ajira flight, so thank goodness she wasn't. I was thinking that Lost would hold out on us and not bring up Widmore this episode, but thankfully he was in the house. Cool to see him talk to Sawyer & make the deal, and intriguing to see that locked door too. What's in it? The Holy Grail? Walt? Desmond? A...flamethrower? Oh snap.

I'm looking forward to learning more about ol' boyo Charles (I thought it was funny last year to discover that Dezzy Des and Penny Hardaway named their son Charlie after Charlie Pace considering Charles Widmore's name). Why did he want that Black Rock stuff at the auction? Why'd he want Ben off the Island so badly? Whose side is he on? Did Jacob want Charles to take Ben off the Island? WHAT'S GOING ON. Widmore has always been such a mysterious, intriguing character, so it'll be great to see more of him, even though I still think the season 4 showdown between him and Ben off the island looks to be more and more of a road we won't be going down soon.

All in all though, I wasn't as crazy about this episode, especially after the 2 before it. Sawyer's switching around seemed a little messy to me by the end of it, with him saying something to someone, and then relaying it to someone else and so on (Widmore, then to Locke, then to Kate). Got a little redundant over time, and I don't really know if what he's telling Kate is true. Well, it probably is, but it doesn't really excite me as much as other stuff this season so far. Also, I want more Jack. And Ben. And Omar. Oops, wrong show.




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